Can You Reheat Lasagna?


Q. I’ve often heard people complain that when they are reheating lasagna, the lasagna becomes either gummy and watery or dry and hard. Can lasagna be reheated, and if so, how? A. Yes, lasagna can be reheated, and deliciously so! Those that have complained of a less than desirable reheated result have either failed to […] Read more »

Can You Reheat Sausages?

Q: I love sausage but I always wind up cooking more than the stomachs at my gatherings can manage. My family’s recipe is so good that I cannot imagine throwing away the leftovers. Can you reheat sausages without risking illness? Can sausages be reheated in more than one way? Can you reheat cooked sausages regardless […] Read more »

Can You Reheat Pork?

Q: Can you reheat pork and pork products, such as bacon, ham, pork sausage and pork ribs? How do you go about reheating pork to maintain its flavor and texture? A: When you find a large pork roast or ham on sale, you may wonder can you reheat pork after it is fully cooked. The […] Read more »

Can You reheat a Doughnut?

I love to treat myself to fresh doughnuts from time to time, but after a while, they get hard. I’ve heard of microwaving bread to soften it; can I do the same with a frosted doughnut? Can you reheat a doughnut? Reheating doughnuts is super easy, it is a shame more people throw away three-day-old […] Read more »

Can You Reheat Dressing?

I had the most amazing blue cheeseburger at the bar last night, and the burger has a really unique dressing per say? How do I reheat dressing?    The answer is simple, scrape it off! While you can reheat your burger, the toppings, including dressings, should not be heated at all. The reason they are […] Read more »

Can you Reheat French Fries?

I love to go to restaurants and order a huge burger and a side of fries. I always feel like I need to eat the fries while they are fresh because microwaved fries are soggy. Is there a way to reheat them without them being soggy? Yes, there are two easy ways to keep your […] Read more »

Can you Reheat French Toast?

I have always enjoyed making Sunday breakfast for my family, but now that my kids moved out, it is just my wife and me. Since we no longer have a few more mouths to feed, we want to start making Sunday easier by making some portions of French toast ahead of time. Can you reheat […] Read more »

Can you Reheat Ground Turkey?

I have recently switched to using turkey in place of burger, so I am a little unclear of any differences in the storage of ground turkey. I had made some turkey burgers last night for dinner, and when I went to reheat it today, I got a little leery because I have never done it […] Read more »

Can you Reheat Gluhwein?

The holidays are quickly approaching, and that means I am in charge of this year’s gluhwein. I have never had enough left over to even think about reheating it, but this year I would like to have enough so I can savor it for another night, to wind down after all the parties. Can you […] Read more »

Can you Reheat Green Beans?

I don’t know what is about my family, but we can never come together for a wholesome meal, so we are always forced to reheat some portion of it. I hate to reheat canned vegetables, is it safe to? Can you reheat green beans? Yes, reheating canned vegetables like green beans, corn, and peas are […] Read more »